Our Brave New World: Cannabis & Opioid Use & Misuse

Our Brave New World: Cannabis & Opioid Use & Misuse

The Training Team is bringing back Dr. Jennifer Harrison, PHD, LMSW, CAADC to present on Cannabis & Opioid Use and Misuse.

Ø Dr. Harrison is a social worker and chemical addictions counselor, and a Professor in the School of Social Work at Western Michigan University. She is a lead reviewer for the Michigan Fidelity Assessment and Support Team(MiFAST) and a Co-Founder of Goal Scaling Solutions, a secure outcome measure for organizations and the individuals they serve. Dr. Harrison is a scholar, researcher, and practitioner in behavioral health evidence-based practice implementation and workforce development.


Friday, September 20, 2024

8:30-4:00 pm


Alpena Community College Granum Theatre

6 SW CE Credits -  6 RN Contact Hours – 6 Children’s Credits


Ø This course is to introduce behavioral health practitioners to effective assessment, treatment planning, and treatment for individuals with cannabis and/or opioid use disorders. Given that these drugs are legal in many states and have medical uses, they can easily be abused. Understanding the use and misuse of cannabis and opioids as our new legal drugs is critical given the complexity of substance use disorders which often co-occur with mental health and physical disorders.


Click below to register or open the flyer


Ø  Tickets for Our Brave New World: Cannabis and Opioid Use and Misuse in Alpena from TicketLeap


Ø  If you have questions, need more information, or require special accommodations call or email Genny Grimshaw at (989) 358-7842 or ggrimshaw@nemcmh.org. Space is limited. Registration closes September 15, 2024. Cancellation notice is appreciated. Course materials will be emailed on or about September 19, 2024.